Innovative Treatment for Glaucoma
Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a cutting-edge laser treatment designed to lower intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients. By applying laser energy to the eye’s drainage tissue, SLT initiates chemical and biological changes that enhance fluid drainage from the eye.
Why “Selective”?
The term “Selective” refers to the laser’s ability to target pigmented tissue in the eye selectively, minimizing collateral damage to surrounding tissues. This precision makes SLT a repeatable procedure when needed.

Growing Acceptance as a First-Line Treatment
Initially used as an alternative or supplement to medication, SLT is increasingly recognized as a first-line treatment for open-angle glaucoma. Significant clinical studies, from the 1995 Glaucoma Laser Trial to the recent LiGHT clinical trial, have demonstrated that initial laser treatment can be as effective, if not more so, than medications.
Benefits of SLT
SLT, often the preferred initial treatment for open-angle glaucoma, can also benefit patients already using eye drops. It employs low levels of laser light to improve intraocular fluid drainage through the natural pathway, effectively reducing eye pressure. The effects of a single SLT treatment can last 2 to 3 years, or even longer. Since SLT preserves the drainage canals, it can be repeated if necessary. Minor, self-limited inflammation following SLT may contribute to the eye pressure-lowering effect.
Treatment Expectations
SLT can sometimes control eye pressure on its own, but other patients might still need glaucoma medications or incisional surgery.